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Chat with our pharmacist to learn how to control cravings and manage your weight.

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Are You Eating for Emotional Comfort?

A craving is an intense, uncontrollable urge for a particular food, often occurring even when you're not physically hungry. Over 90% of adults experience cravings, which are associated with higher body mass index (BMI) and an increased risk of obesity.

Did You Know?

1 in 2 adults in Malaysia are Overweight or Obese

Over 53% of Malaysian adults are either overweight or obese, according to the 2023 National Health Screening Initiative. This highlights a significant public health concern, with many individuals at risk of obesity-related conditions such as high sugar and cardiovascular disease.

We are getting fatter!!

Trend in overweight & obesity among adults in Malaysia from 2011 to 2023

Recent data shows that over 50% of Malaysian adults are affected, contributing to a higher prevalence of chronic diseases such as heart disease.

Understanding Cravings and Their Impact

High Sugar

Watch out for sugar craving!

High Blood Pressure

Watch out on those salt levels!

High Cholesterol

Avoid oily and fatty food!

Heart-Related Disease

Get cardio exercises done!

Obesity Phenotypes

Hungry Brain

Your brain doesn’t signal fullness, causing overeating.

Hungry Gut

You get hungry quickly after eating, leading to frequent meals

Emotional Hunger

You eat to manage emotions, not just hunger.

Slow Burn

Your metabolism is slower, making weight loss tougher.

Together We Learn

Calculate Your Cravings

Like Nothing You've Seen. Take a moment to assess your craving level, and share your score with us.

Calculated Your TOTAL SCORE Results? Share it with us!


Crave No More